Dysport is a wrinkle relaxer used to soften moderate to severe wrinkles and fine lines. It can be used to help reduce the muscle strength in certain areas of the face which results in a softer, more refreshed appearance.
The difference between Botox and Dysport are: Botox has been around longer, the proteins that make up these products are different, Dysport has a quicker “on set” than Botox, and the units are calculated differently. It is injected the exact same way as Botox, with a small diabetic needle. If you are someone with a milk allergy or sensitivity then you are not a candidate for Dysport because of the protein used.
Longevity- Up to 3 months
Treatment Time- 15 Minutes
Recovery Time- None
Average Unit Amount- 150 units ( equal to 50 units of Botox)
Price- $4.00/unit
Visibility of Results- 3-7 Days
Great for Women & Men, 18 years and older
Customized Treatment
Safe and Effective
Proven, Long-Term Results
Enhanced Appearance
No Down Time
Learn more at https://www.dysportusa.com/.

SCS Elite Medi Spa has three locations serving NE Ohio
Green-Akron Location
1840 Town Park Blvd
Uniontown, Ohio 44685
Ph: (330) 933-6493
Medina Location
410 South Court Street
Medina, OH 44256
Ph: (330) 636-1608
Wooster Location
3727 Friendsville Road, Suite 2
Wooster, OH 44691
Ph: (330) 465-0670