Physician-directed nutritional supplements and consultations.
First choice for Nutritional Supplements
Dr. Fearon, Dr. Fast, and Dr. Bonezzi’s first choice for nutritional supplements, Designs for Health, offer a great assortment of professional products. Designs for Health is highly regarded by practitioner’s for their quality formula design, therapeutic dosing, superior ingredient selection and high manufacturing standards.
Not all vitamins and supplements are created equally. Most over-the-counter vitamins are produced in such a manner that our bodies are unable to break them down and absorb them. Our body flushes them out and we get absolutely no benefit from them. To get the best results, you need medical grade supplements that are designed with therapeutic dosing. The nutrition that our bodies need cannot simply come with the foods we eat. Most foods we purchase today, even fruits and vegetables, are grown with pesticides and other growth chemicals that deplete the nutritional value of these products. Even with organic fruit or vegetable, often the nutrient content is not enough to satisfy our bodies. Not only do we feel the effects of nutrient deficiency in our bodies, but we can see effects in the way our skin looks and feels.
In order to provide our patients with the best solutions for achieving optimal health and fueling their bodies with therapeutic nutrients, we partnered with Designs for Health for medical grade nutritional supplements.
We invite you to please visit our e-store for all our great products and learn how they can help you to become healthier on the inside and outside.

SCS Elite Medi Spa has three locations serving NE Ohio
Green-Akron Location
1840 Town Park Blvd
Uniontown, Ohio 44685
Ph: (330) 933-6493
Medina Location
410 South Court Street
Medina, OH 44256
Ph: (330) 636-1608
Wooster Location
3727 Friendsville Road, Suite 2
Wooster, OH 44691
Ph: (330) 465-0670